Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Spring is just around the corner.

We are begining to welcome spring with our FIRST flower in our lawn. It popped up Saturday bearing bright purple petals and a beautiful yellow stamen.

I think this is one of the first FIRSTs around here. We are really enjoying each day of living in our own home.

The photo was taken with my blackberry, please forgive the quality...

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Master Bedroom...

This was the darkest room of the house, with the worst paint job. I think the people that lived in the house before had children and were very limited with the time they could spend with details. We however care greatly about details and have spent a lot of extra time fixing their mistakes.

Major closet space here...Thank the Lord!

Living Room

Our living room (David continues to call this room the "den", but I have assured him we are not lions) before we inhabited the house. The room is a long rectangular room. It has taken us quiet a while to get the room set up the way we want it.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Kitchen Before....


Here's our kitchen, BEFORE. Can you make a guess to what we did to update?
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