Thursday, September 29, 2011


I finally made something that I've pinned on Pinterest!!

I absolutely love pinterest, because there is no commitment. I can like someone else's diy idea or their interior decorating skills and not have to run off and hurry to copy it before I forget. Sure, there are these things a called bookmarks, but it's all words. With pinterest you can see what you've bookmarked! It was brilliantly planned and laid out.

Step 1) Establish an account on
Step 2) Follow their directions. IT's that easy.

I've set up pin boards for DIY around the house, Kellan, FOOD, clothes and a whole lot more!

Well, on to what I've made...Fingerprint Jewelry
Here is the post in which I found the idea.

This picture is a lovely version of what was made.
I on the other hand have a rambunctious, nearly 8 month old. So, getting my fancy camera out and setting up my necklace was NOT an option.

Here is my not-so-fancy shot-

It's cute right, well not the picture but the outcome is really sweet. 
I know two grandma's that are going to love their new fingerprint necklaces.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

7 Months Old

Our chunky boy has hit the 7 month mark with stride. He is officially crawling, pulling up and into everything. I think my posts will be more infrequent now that he's so mobile.

Through the past couple of weeks, Kellan has experienced several new things including his first earthquake! We were sitting at home, just returning from a play date. Kellan was in his exersaucer and I was sitting on the floor beside him. At first I thought "earthquake", then thought to myself "no, we live on the east coast, can't be an earthquake", then "okay, this HAS to be an earthquake" as I scooped him up and headed for the door frame covering my baby boy with my own body. Once it was over we headed outside and all of the neighbors popped out of their houses like little prairie dogs on the range.

Thank God for our safety through Hurricane Irene and our first Earthquake. Moments like those make you thankful for being so blessed.